Shelton III, A.J. and Richmond, R.H. 2016. Watershed restoration as a tool for improving coral reef resilience against climate change and other human impacts. Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science 183: 430-437.
Murphy, J.W.A. and Richmond, R.H. 2016. Changes to coral health and metabolic activity under oxygen deprivation. Peer J 4:31956; DOI 10.7717/peerj.1956
Nelson, D.S., McManus, J., Richmond, R.H., King, D.B., Jr, Gailani, J.Z., Lackey, T.C., et al. 2016. Predicting dredging-associated effect to coral reefs in Apra Harbor, Guam - Part 2: Potential coral effects. Journal of Environmental Management 168: 111–122.
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Aswani, S., P.J. Mumby, A.C. Baker, P. Christie, L.J. McCook, R.S. Steneck, R.H. Richmond. 2015 Scientific frontiers in the management of coral reefs. Frontiers in Marine Science 2, Article 50: 1-13.
Rougée, L., R.H. Richmond, and A.C. Collier. 2015. Molecular reproductive characteristics of the reef coral Pocillopora damicornis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 189: 38-44
Richmond, R. H. 2014. Making Science Matter‐Forging Effective Partnerships For Coral Reef Conservation. Limnology and Oceanography: Bulletin 23: 52–55.
Rougée, L., R.H. Richmond, and A.C. Collier. 2014 Natural variations in xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes: developing tools for coral monitoring. Coral Reefs 33 (2): 523-535.
Downs, C.A., K.E. McDougall, C.M. Woodley, J.E. Fauth, R.H. Richmond, A. Kushmaro, S.W. Gibb, Y. Loya, G. K. Ostrander, E. Kramarsky-Winter. 2013. Heat-Stress and Light-Stress Induce Different Cellular Pathologies in the Symbiotic Dinoflagellate during Coral Bleaching. PLoS One 8 (12): e77173.
Golbuu, Y., E. Wolanski, J.W. Idechong, S. Victor, A.L. Isechal, N.W. Oldiais, D. Idip Jr, R.H. Richmond, and R. van Woesik. 2012. Predicting coral recruitment in Palau’s complex reef archipelago. PLoS One 7 (11): e50998.
Brahmi, C., , I. Domart-Coulon, L. Rougee, D. G. Pyle, J. Stolarski, J. J. Mahoney, R. H. Richmond, G. K. Ostrander, and A. Meibom. 2012. Pulsed 86Sr-labeling and NanoSIMS imaging to study coral biomineralization at ultra-structural length scales. Coral Reefs 31: 741-752.
Martinez, J.A., C.M. Smith and R.H. Richmond. 2012. Algal Mats Degrade Coral Reef Physical Habitat Quality. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 99:42-49.
Richmond, R.H., Y. Golbuu, N. Idechong and E. Wolanski. 2012. Integration of social and cultural aspects in designing ecohydrology and ecosystem restoration solutions. Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science, 10: 71-80. Elsevier Science Publishers.
Vijayavel, K. and R.H. Richmond, 2012. The Preparation of the Rice Coral Montipora capitata nubbins for Application in Coral Reef Ecotoxicology. Ecotoxicology 21:925-930.
Downs, C.A., G.K. Ostrander, L. Rougee, T. Rongo, S. Knutson, D.E. Williams, W. Mendioloa, J. Holbrook and R.H. Richmond, 2012. The Use of Cellular Diagnostics for Identifying Sub-lethal Stress in Reef Corals. Ecotoxicology 21:768-782.
Vijayavel, K., C.A. Downs, G.K. Ostrander and R.H. Richmond 2012. Oxidative DNA damage induced by iron chloride in the larvae of the lace coral Pocillopora damicornis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology and Pharmacology 155:275-280.
Knutson, S., C.A. Downs and R.H. Richmond. 2012. Concentrations of Irgarol in selected marinas of Oahu, Hawaii and effects on settlement of coral larval. Ecotoxicology. 21(1):1-8.
Golbuu, Y., R. van Woesik, R.H. Richmond, P. Harrison, and K.E. Fabricius. 2011. River discharge reduces reef coral diversity in Palau. Marine Pollution Bulletin 62:824-831.
Richmond, R.H. and E. Wolanski. 2011. "Coral Reefs: Past Efforts and Future Horizons". pp. 3-12 in Corals Reefs: An Ecosystem in Transition. Z. Dubinsky and N. Stambler, eds., Springer Science, 552 pp.
Golbuu, Y., E. Wolanski, P. Harrison, R, H. Richmond, S. Victor, and K. E. Fabricius. 2011. Effects of Land Use Change on Characteristics and Dynamics of Watershed Discharges in Babeldaob, Palau,Micronesia. Journal of Marine Biology 2011: Article ID 981273.
Richmond, R.H. and Wolanski, E. 2011. "Coral Research: Past Efforts and Future Horizons, in Corals and Coral Reefs", Z. Dubinsky, Ed., Springer Science.
Wolanski, E., Martinez, J., and Richmond R.H. 2009. Quantifying the impact of watershed urbanization on a coral reef: Maunalua Bay, Hawaii. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 84:259-268.
Wolanski, E., and Richmond, R.H. 2008. "Estuary Restoration. In: Sven Erik Jorgensen and Brian D. Fath (Eds), Ecological Engineering." Vol. 2 of Encyclopedia of Ecology, 5 vols. pp. 1422-1427. Oxford: Elsevier.
Richmond, R.H. 2008. Environmental protection: Applying the precautionary principle and proactive regulation to biotechnolgy. Trends in Biotechnology 26: 460-467.
Richmond, R.H., Houk, P., Trianni, M., Wolanski, E., Davis, G., Bonito, V., and Paul, V.J. 2008. "Aspects of Biology and Ecological Functioning or Coral Reefs in Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands." Pp. 719-740 In B.M. Riegl and R.E. Dodge, Eds. Coral Reefs of the USA. Springer Science.
Golbuu, Y., Fabricius, K., Victor, S., and Richmond, R.H. 2008. Gradients in coral reef communities exposed to muddy river discharge in Pohnpei, Micronesia. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 76:14-20.
Rougee, L., Ostranger, G.K., Richmond, R.H., and Lu, Y.N. 2007. Establishment, characterization, and viral susceptibility of two cell lines derived from goldfish Carassius auratus muscle and swim bladder. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 77 (2): 127-135.
Richmond, R.H. 2007. "Reproduction and Recruitment in Corals: Critical Links in the Persistence of Reefs." In C.E. Birkeland, (ed.), Life and Death of Coral Reefs. Kluwer Academic Publishing.
Wolanski, E. and Richmond, R.H. 2007. "Ecological Engineering: Estuary restoration. " Encyclopedia of Ecology. Elsevier Press.
Richmond, R.H., Rongo, T., Golbuu, Y., Victor, S., Idechong, N., Davis, G., Kostka, W., Neth, L., Hamnett, M., and Wolanski, E. 2007. Watersheds and Coral Reefs: Conservation Science, Policy and Implementation. BioScience, 57: 598-607.
Golbuu, Y., and Richmond, R.H.. 2007. "Substratum Preferences in Planula Larvae of two Species of Scleractinian Corals, Goniastrea retiformis and Stylarea punctata." Marine Biology.
Sinclair, C.S., Richmond, R.H., Ostrander, G.K. 2007. Characterization of the telomere regions of the scleractinian coral Acropora surculosa. Genetica, 129: 227-233.
Downs, C.A., Richmond, R.H., Mendiola, W.J., Rougee, L., and Ostrander, G.K. 2006. "Cellular physiological effects of the M.V. Kyowa Violet grounding on the hard coral Porites lobata." Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 25: 3171-3180.
Rougee, L., Downs, C., Richmond, R.H., and Ostrander, G.K. 2006. "Alteration of normal cellular profiles in the stony coral Pocillopora damicornis, following laboratory exposure to fuel oil." Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 25: 3181-3187.
Victor, S., Neth, L., Golbuu, Y., Wolanski, E., and Richmond, R.H. 2006. "Sedimentation in mangroves and coral reefs in a wet tropical island, Pohnpei, Micronesia." Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 66:409-416.
Downs, C.A., Woodley, C.M., Richmond, R.H., Lanning, L.L., and Owen, R. 2005. "Shifting the Paradigm for Coral-Reef ‘Health’ Assessment." Marine Pollution Bulletin, 51: 486-494.
Victor, S. and Richmond, R.H.. 2005. "Effect of copper on fertilization success in the coral Acropora surculosa." Marine Pollution Bulletin, 50: 1448-1451.
Sinclair, C.S., Richmond, R.H., Knobbe, E.T., Basslear, C., and Ostrander, G.K. 2005. "Passive dosimeters for measurement of ultraviolet radiation in aquatic environments." Pp. 525 – 533, In G. Ostrander, ed. Techniques in Aquatic Toxicology, Vol. II. CRC Press.
Richmond, R.H. 2005. "Recovering Populations and Restoring Ecosystems: Restoration of Coral Reefs and Related Marine Communities." Pp. 393-409 In E. Norse and L. Crowder eds. Marine Conservation Biology: The Science of Maintaining the Sea’s Biodiversity. Island Press.
Richmond, R.H. 2005. "Coral reproduction and recruitment as tools for studying the ecotoxicology of coral reef ecosystems." Pp. 331-338, In G. Ostrander, ed. Techniques in Aquatic Toxicology, Vol. II. CRC Press.
Victor, S., Golbuu, Y., Wolanski, E. and Richmond, R.H. 2004. "Fine sediment trapping in two mangrove-fringed estuaries exposed to contrasting land use intensity in Palau, Micronesia." Wetlands Ecology and Management., 12: 277-283.
Wolanski, E., Richmond, R.H. and McCook, L. 2004. "A model of the effects of land-based human activities on the health of coral reefs in the Great Barrier Reef and in Fouha Bay, Guam, Micronesia." Journal of Marine Systems, 46:133-144.
Wolanski, E., Richmond, R.H. and Davis, G. 2003. "Water and fine sediment dynamics in transient river plumes in a small, reef-fringed bay, Guam." Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 56:1029-1040.
Golbuu, Y., Victor, S., Wolanski, E., and Richmond R.H. 2003. "Trapping of fine sediment in a semi-enclosed bay, Palau, Micronesia." Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 57:1-9.
Wolanski, E., Richmond, R.H., Davis, G., Deleersnijder and Leben, R. 2003. "Eddies around Guam, an Island in the Mariana Islands Group." Continental Shelf Research, 23(10):991-1003.
Wolanski, E., Richmond, R.H., McCook, L., and Sweatman, H. 2003. "Mud, marine snow and coral reefs." American Scientist, 91:44-51.
Richmond, R.H. and Davis, G. 2002. "Status of the coral reefs of Guam". Pg. 189 - 194 in The State of Coral Reef Ecosystems of the United States and Pacific Freely Associated States: 2002. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Silver Spring, MD. 265 p.
McKenna, S.A., Richmond, R.H., and Roos, G. 2001. :"Assessing the Effects of Sewage on Coral Reefs: Developing Techniques to Detect Stress Before Coral Mortality." Bulletin of Marine Science, 69(2):517-523.
Richmond, R.H. 2000. "Coral conservation biology applied to policy development and management initiatives." Pages 139-143 in T. Done and D. Lloyd, Editors. Information, management and decision support for marine biodiversity protection and human welfare; Coral reefs. Proceedings of a Workshop 6-10 December 1999, Australian Institute of Marine Science, Cape Ferguson, Townsville, Queensland, Australia.
Romano, S.L., Aquon, J.M., and Richmond, R.H. 2000. "Analysis of genetic variation in Guam populations of the mass spawning coral Acropora surculosa using RAPDs." American Zoologist, 39:122.
Richmond, R.H. 1999. "Sea cucumbers." Pages 145-155 in L.G. Eldredge, J.E. Maragos, P.L. Holthus, and H.F. Takeuchi, editors. Marine and Coastal Biodiversity in the Tropical Island Pacific Region. Vol. 11. Population, Development, and Conservation Priorities. East-West Center Press, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Hopper, D.R., Hunter, C., and Richmond, R.H. 1998. "Sexual reproduction of the tropical sea cucumber Actinopyga mauritiana (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea), in Guam." Bulletin of Marine Science, 63:1-10.
Peters, E.C., Gassman, N.J., Firman, J.C., Richmond, R.H., and Power, E.A. 1997. "Ecotoxicology of tropical marine ecosystems." Journal of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 16:12-40.
Richmond, R.H. 1997. "Reproduction and recruitment in corals: Critical links in the persistence of reefs." Pages 175-197 in C. Birkeland, editor. Life and death of coral reefs. Chapman & Hall, New York.
Richmond, R.H. 1994. "Effects of coastal runoff on coral reproduction." Pages 360-364 in R.N. Ginsburg, editor. Proceedings of the colloquium on global aspects of coral reefs: Health, hazards and history. Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. University of Miami.
Richmond, R.H. 1994. "Coral reefs: Pollution impacts." Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy, 9(1):54-57.
Richmond, R.H. 1993. "Coral reefs: Present problems and future concerns resulting from anthropogenic disturbance." American Zoologist, 33:524-536.
Richmond, R.H. and Hunter, C.L. 1990. "Reproduction and recruitment of corals: Comparisons among the Caribbean, the tropical Pacific, and the Red Sea." Marine Ecology Progress Series, 60:185-203.